- Type: Journal Article
- Language: Bahasa Indonesia
- Year: 2021
- Type: Master's Thesis (Tesis)
- Language: Bahasa Indonesia
- English Title: Analysis of the Effect of Islamic Religiosity, Perceived Value, and Destination Satisfaction on Electronic Word-of-Mouth of Indonesian Muslim Tourist in the Context of Halal Tourism in Lombok
- Year: 2020
- Type: Journal Article
- Language: Bahasa Indonesia
- English Title: Crowdfunding as A Form of Participatory Culture in Media Convergence Era: #BersamaLawanCorona Campaign (Kitabisa.com)
- Year: 2020
- Type: Bachelor Thesis (Skripsi)
- Language: Bahasa Indonesia
- English Title: The Role of Shumubu in Japanese Propaganda towards Islamic Community during the Japanese Occupation in Indonesia 1942-1945
- Year: 2012