Dhyayi Warapsari's Personal Blog
My place to share things with the world
Learn and Share
I'm a graphic & web designer who love to learn new things that spark my curiosity.
I usually use this blog to document my learning process and findings. I try to compose them into easy-to-follow guides. You can check my blog to read about various topics, such as technology, games, health, cooking, gardening, and languages. Some of them are written in English, while some others are in Indonesian.
What to read today?
Pick one of these random posts to get started.
Bumbu Instan Sayur Sop: Indofood VS Sajiku VS Sasa
Perbandingan porsi, berat bersih, komposisi, kandungan nilai gizi, izin BPOM, kehalalan, dan produsen bumbu instan sayur sop merek Indofood, Sajiku, dan Sasa.ID
Minyak Zaitun: Jenis dan Kegunaan
Kenali berbagai jenis minyak zaitun (olive oil), manfaat / fungsi, dan kegunaan yang tepat untuk setiap jenisnya.ID