Dhyayi Warapsari's Personal Blog

My place to share things with the world

Learn and Share

I'm a graphic & web designer who love to learn new things that spark my curiosity.

I usually use this blog to document my learning process and findings. I try to compose them into easy-to-follow guides. You can check my blog to read about various topics, such as technology, games, health, cooking, gardening, and languages. Some of them are written in English, while some others are in Indonesian.

What to read today?

Pick one of these random posts to get started.


Informasi Nu Teh Tarik

Komposisi, kandungan nilai gizi, izin BPOM, kehalalan, dan produsen minuman teh susu kemasan botol merek Nü.

Setting Up Custom Domain Email Address on Outlook.com

Update (added on 1 September 2015): Outlook.com no longer supports this service.  Do you already have a domain and want to have a custom email address with that domain name? If you have a hosting, you can follow tutorial on how to setting up custom domain email address on cpanel to create one. But… how……

Alam Tak Bisa Lagi Ramah

Saatku terbangun dari mimpi Kuingin kicau burung yang menyapaku Kuingin dedaunan yang melambai padaku Kuingin angin semilir yang membelai wajahku Kuingin surya yang tersenyum padaku Namun sayang mereka semua tinggal kenangan Kini saatku terbangun dari mimpi Yang kudengar deru mesin-mesin kendaraan Yang kulihat gedung-gedung pencakar langit Yang kurasa polusi menerpa wajahku Yang kurasa sang surya……